Thursday, January 19, 2006
Don't tread on me

There is some very big news from our house. Today the government came to investigate a complaint from the neighbors that we had in excess of the allowable four (4) total animals living here. That includes me. Most bipeds consider me an animal, but readers of this blog and my newsletter and members of my fan club (only $9.95 per year for a basic membership. Join today!) understand the difference between a blogging dog and “animals”.
Management hired a lawyer, because she doesn’t trust the Nazis and crabby old people around here who think that they’ve done everything and she has done nothing. Then she finds out that it’s the deadbeat painter who complained. He wanted to borrow money from us, but management said, “No.” and for once I agree with her. We cannot afford to give out loans to freeloaders. We are feeding enough of them as it is. Then he and his father, who was picked to be on the crew to drop the atom bomb on Japan, called all the rest of the neighbors. I guess when you can’t stay out of jail, you want to try to get everyone else in jail with you.
Well, so I was lying on the floor pretending to be dozing, and the inspector guy who used to be a policeman said he wanted to look in all the rooms. Whoa. Hair cut! Triple doozy smack down. It is not a good idea to cross management on something like this. She is liable to kick your ass, but I am not supposed to swear.
Deal off. Get out. Go away. The guy says, “Well, if you don’t have anything to hide, why are you refusing?” She said something about eminent domain and on what authority and stuff like that. See, he told her he just was going to come over and step inside and that he was allergic to animals anyway and wouldn’t stay. Then he brings a clipboard and makes like a dog show judge.
We think the deadbeat painter is getting back at us. He always is asking me and the stupid cats to come over, and then he says we’re trespassing. He is a big loser.
Poor management has a bad headache, and she wishes that she had moved to San Francisco in the olden days before I was even born. Wouldn’t that have been a shame, because then she wouldn’t have been able to let me adopt her.
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Good luck with these morons...a friend had some similar problems..this sounds VERY absurd and I'd have a lot more than a headache....I hope it works out well and doesn't generate much more stress than it already has..
Well, rt, you are right on about stress. There is no food in my dog dish, and I do not want to bother management. Maybe I'll order a pizza. And send the bill to the dumb neighbors. They are mean and need to get a hobby.
When it comes to politics, you know what they say. They are discriminating against fur people, so I am on the fur side of this fight, even though I do not like to sleep with cats. We want to move to the country where we don't have any neighbors.
We already have a skunk. We call him Pepi.
When it comes to politics, you know what they say. They are discriminating against fur people, so I am on the fur side of this fight, even though I do not like to sleep with cats. We want to move to the country where we don't have any neighbors.
We already have a skunk. We call him Pepi.
the only word/thought that pops into my mind is "a***(w)holes".................
Don't worry will it always does!
Don't worry will it always does!
You live in western MI Arthur? I had an interview a few years ago...small town on the lake north of Benton Harbor...strange people.....not a lot of horsepower in that group (maybe a bad phrase to use)...seemd way too conservative for their own good. I certainly would not have been too happy there. Yeah...San Francisco in the 60 would have been OK. I'm hoping for a nice consulting gig in Napa in the next few months...maybe 2006 will be a better year although it's not off to a great start.
Management does not ever just go along. This is why she did not want to live in the suburbs. They want to tell you that you can't have a red mailbox.
In my young days I would have growled at the guy because I can always tell when management doesn't like someone. I once chased a robber. I must write a column about it.
We were told that we would get a ticket if the neighbors complained again. He said that neighbors from blocks away followed cats back here. Well, we know that it is a lie, because these people are too old to jump fences at night - or in the day either.
Management does not ever just go along. This is why she did not want to live in the suburbs. They want to tell you that you can't have a red mailbox.
In my young days I would have growled at the guy because I can always tell when management doesn't like someone. I once chased a robber. I must write a column about it.
We were told that we would get a ticket if the neighbors complained again. He said that neighbors from blocks away followed cats back here. Well, we know that it is a lie, because these people are too old to jump fences at night - or in the day either.
Well, rt,
That is exactly where we are living at present. Management hates it, except for the lake and the country and there are some nice people just not here. I bet she knows the company.
And yes, even though I am a conservative dog who does not like to share, I can put up with the raccoons in the brush pile next door and the possum in the tree in front because this is America, land of the free (or freeloaders in some cases) and home of the brave - like me and managemnet.
This is the county that brains forgot.
Management was going to run an office in San Francisdo in the 80s, but the company would not give her more money because it is more expensive there than Chicago. That's what I've heard anyway.
That is exactly where we are living at present. Management hates it, except for the lake and the country and there are some nice people just not here. I bet she knows the company.
And yes, even though I am a conservative dog who does not like to share, I can put up with the raccoons in the brush pile next door and the possum in the tree in front because this is America, land of the free (or freeloaders in some cases) and home of the brave - like me and managemnet.
This is the county that brains forgot.
Management was going to run an office in San Francisdo in the 80s, but the company would not give her more money because it is more expensive there than Chicago. That's what I've heard anyway.
I think....ti's been 2 years or so...the town was Holland...the interview was me being put ina room with what seemed to be 10 clueless people that all had more attitude than I did...well..I hide mine and observe....after the interview the General Manager gave me a plant tour where I pointed out a number of obvious faults in the way they did things.....this was really 101 stuff...they ended up hiring some guy who worked there before because they were more comfortable with area (if you like the winter) but the people I talked to seemed a little...hmmmmm...right word....well...constipated...
Oh, boy, rt.
Founded by the Christian Reformed. Home to Haworth, Prince Corporation, a fairly cool scrap metal dealer that came home from McKenzie Corp to run the family biz, but it is hell. We know lots about it because we have relatives there.
This is also where the lady who was in charge of the Republicans of Michigan came from. She is very very rich. Her husband wants to be a senator. That's all we need is what management says. I like Abraham Lincoln better.
Founded by the Christian Reformed. Home to Haworth, Prince Corporation, a fairly cool scrap metal dealer that came home from McKenzie Corp to run the family biz, but it is hell. We know lots about it because we have relatives there.
This is also where the lady who was in charge of the Republicans of Michigan came from. She is very very rich. Her husband wants to be a senator. That's all we need is what management says. I like Abraham Lincoln better.
Yes, Holland was a "treat." I finally figured out that I'm too old to blend in with that sort of thing...and it would have been like oil & management style and their inertia would have been a very unhappy combination. The Napa thing sounds VERY good to me. I hope I get it.
I'm afraid that dubya has now set the tone to an even more extreme mode...that the wealthy get the positions of power...this is sorta like the Ottoman Empire with a crazy Sultan running things....bush does qualify..this is nuts...we are living through very "interesting" times although I think the history of our future has already been written....empires have fallen before...
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I'm afraid that dubya has now set the tone to an even more extreme mode...that the wealthy get the positions of power...this is sorta like the Ottoman Empire with a crazy Sultan running things....bush does qualify..this is nuts...we are living through very "interesting" times although I think the history of our future has already been written....empires have fallen before...
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