Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I Scooped the NYT!

We stopped reading the New York Times, because they do not tell us what is going on, and they will not print my letters to the editor, even though I am just about the smartest Corgi there is.
They did not tell us that the government was pulling a fast one by spying on us when we were talking on the phone. What if I called my relatives in Wales? What if I told them about the cherry bombs the stupid neighbors exploded? Would I get on a list? I am already on the No Fly List. I think this government needs a long time out in the corner. And the New York Times can go in the other corner.
Well, anyway, the headline in this editor’s mailbox today said that low fat does not make you healthy. Yesterday I already told you that spread is dumb. You do not need the New York Times. Just come to my blog every day.