Tuesday, February 07, 2006
We're back

While Blogger was on strike, management made some bread and banana bread. I do not like to run out of bread, because you can have toast only if you have bread. Toast is an excellent snack. Toasted banana bread is good, but I personally prefer plain toast with lots of real butter, not "spread". Spread is dumb. If you have banana bread it means you bought too many bananas or you are too cheap to buy bananas that aren't rotten, bottom line. Your food tells a lot about you. People are watching.
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Cats do not understand politics. Fluff, get your people to buy you a pre-plucked, dead turkey and cook it for you. I am sure it is very fun to live on a mountain and hunt for mice and birds, but demand your rights! Even though sharing is for liberals, be sure to save some turkey for Akamaru.
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