Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Cleaning our cache

You probably are wondering what a big blogger and super star personality is doing when they do not show up at the blog for a few weeks.
Well, wait until you hear this.
Management is divorcing her relatives. That is OK with me, except a couple of the dogs are fun, but I am so popular, a couple fewer pals will leave more time to answer my fan mail.
She is doing this sale all by herself. She is selling everything, even my kitchen water bowl, but we have a spare one. She already put my food dish in the dishwasher and then in a box. She will not tell anyone that I was using it, but if you ask me, she would get more money for it if she would spill the beans. That is called the provenance when you tell who ate out of the bowl. Doesn’t she watch the Antiques Roadshow?
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Now that Arthur has more time on his paws, perhaps he can speak of his Welsh homeland, and his views on tabbys :)
Seriously, good luck with the move !! And come back soon :)
Seriously, good luck with the move !! And come back soon :)
Hello, ducky,
I am working on my book. But first, a snack ... We will be back at the bird blog and everything when we reformat our hard drive, or the twelfth of never. Do you know if Mercury is retrograde?
We had ome very good bargains at our sale. Some lady wanted to know if the trash bags were for sale. I think she thought she was at WalMart. We had another customer who could not hear because she broke her hearing aids. She kept asking us questions, and then she would say she could not hear anything.
We have a nice Art Nouveau lamp still. Would you like to buy it for $495.00? Hemmingway might have used it. you never know.
Hello, Elaine,
Would you please give Akamaru a message? Tell her I might put her in my will. I have a lot of blankets, and I probably am going to gert rich when my ship comes in. It does not hurt to plan ahead.
We want to come to visit you. I have to get a bath first.
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I am working on my book. But first, a snack ... We will be back at the bird blog and everything when we reformat our hard drive, or the twelfth of never. Do you know if Mercury is retrograde?
We had ome very good bargains at our sale. Some lady wanted to know if the trash bags were for sale. I think she thought she was at WalMart. We had another customer who could not hear because she broke her hearing aids. She kept asking us questions, and then she would say she could not hear anything.
We have a nice Art Nouveau lamp still. Would you like to buy it for $495.00? Hemmingway might have used it. you never know.
Hello, Elaine,
Would you please give Akamaru a message? Tell her I might put her in my will. I have a lot of blankets, and I probably am going to gert rich when my ship comes in. It does not hurt to plan ahead.
We want to come to visit you. I have to get a bath first.
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