Thursday, April 27, 2006

more posting on the fly

There is this movie called A River Runs Through It. I thought is was boring. It is about fly fishing. Whenever someone says the word 'fly', that is what I think of, unless there is a real fly in the room. Then it is Arthur to the rescue, because I do not like flies. Also there is this movie calles Psycho. It is less boring than A River Runs Through It. Our biped friend Jim looks like Anthony Perkins. I mention him because he is going to fix our computer. I did not buy a Mac yet, but when Tracey Rosengrave sends me my big book advance, then I will buy one, and management can have the MicroSloth computer all to herself. I promise. Well, back to Anthony Perkins. At the end of this movie Psycho he is totally crazy, and there is a fly, and someone says he wouldn't even hurt a fly, even though he has killed like 9 people or something. I don't know why we had to buy a PC in the first place. Steven Jobs is nicer than Bill Gates anyway. That is what we have heard, anyway. We knew someone that played tennis with Steven Jobs. That reminds me. The Queen is sending me tickets to Wimbledon. Maybe I can sell them on eBay and then buy a Mac.

Arthur, I am surprised that a person of your intellect could be taken in by the Apple fanatics.

PCs are much better than Macs in almost every way (price, power, expansion, compatibility, software available, etc.)

And Bill Gates is a much nicer person than Steve Jobs.

Here are some unbiased comparisons:

Wired Magazine, "Jobs vs. Gates: Who's the Star?"

Hardware Geeks, "Jobs vs Gates a Comparison - Page 1"

And most telling of all, Bill Gates likes dogs while Steve Jobs likes cats.

Now don't get me agitated or I'll have to start checking the showers for bad people.
JimC -
Huh. If they ever invented a computer called Hotdog, I would probably agree to endorse it on my blog and on TV and everywhere else. If the price was right.

How do you suppose management screwed up the operating system? This is like living in a communist country with no electricity or organic dog treats. I have to stand in line at the library to post on my own blog.

Management has a class May 12. Please do not go out of town or anything that day. And tell your other clients they will have to wait. That is the way it is when you have a famous client. They expect everything yesterday.
Management got kicked out of Soylent Green, or so I have heard. It was when she was a college student. She does not like Charleton Heston, because he is a gun nut and a conservative. And he is a lousy actor. We agree on that.

I do not like guns or fireworks, but I am still a conservative.

Darell and Darell have been nice lately. They fixed our car. They had to go to Auto Zone and everything. You-know-who left the lights on, and they could not get the hood to open, so they could charge the battery. They are just the type of guys that like to have the car hood open and fool around with the engine.

I called Enterprise Rent-a-Car just in case. I cannot arrange my life around spaced out bipeds and guys who do not have a job. I am busy.

I have a picture of the Queen with some of her Corgis. Or maybe it is a picture of the Corgis with their biped. Camilla is descended from a tart.
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