Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The doctor is in

Someone probably should take the camera phone away from a certain bi-ped. I am so glad I was not with her when she took this picture in the grocery store line. It is almost as bad as when she sings along with the movie soundtrack. Once in a while we go to the drive-in movies. Other cars throw their popcorn tubs and Coke cups at our car. She does not care.
Still, this is an important story not covered by the TV and regular newspapers. Laura is Barney Bush's mother, his human mother, anyway. Somebody named Condi is wrecking Barney's home.
I do not think that Barney reads my blog, probably because I live with a cuckoo liberal who writes her own blog about Karl Marx, who said, "Workers of the world, unite!" Maybe he did not say that, but that is what he meant. If she would just shut up and say things like, "I heart W." I bet Barney would start reading The Long and Short of It. Then he could get some help.
See how selfish these liberals are?
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If worse comes to worse, Barney can come to live with us. I think he has a Secret Service agent following him everywhere, but if the government starts spying on Miss Manager, they could save some money by having Barney's body guard report back.
Maybe Laura should take a break with a handful of M&M's. It always does the trick for me.
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Maybe Laura should take a break with a handful of M&M's. It always does the trick for me.
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