Saturday, June 24, 2006
My Centennial

Not to milk my birthday or anything, but I turned 100 years old yesterday. If my driver hadn't been sweating over boxes of papers and driving to our storage unit all day, she might have had time to drive me to the library where, as you know, I have been posting my stimulating blog posts and issuing my newsletter to members of my fan club (only $9.95 per year, $29.95 for a deluxe membership, which includes personal visits to eat steak at your house.)
Well, anyway, our biped friend Jim figured the exact date because he is very smart in math. I am a literary figure, and I know when I am being shortchanged, but the finer points of x and y I pay my staff to figure out.
One hundred is in dog years. In human years I am 14 1/4. You do not get presents or a party for 14 1/4.
My Jubilee celebration is going to be this summer. Play your cards right, I will send you an invitation.
How do you like my cool portrait?
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To celebrate I had a few Mason's Dots. I
not help it if they were still in the box when I ate them.
We are moving. darrell #1 is supposed to be helping
and he did not show up yet. Beware the crabby boss.
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not help it if they were still in the box when I ate them.
We are moving. darrell #1 is supposed to be helping
and he did not show up yet. Beware the crabby boss.
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