Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Eat your heart out

As everyone who is anyone knows, August is when the right people and dogs summer at the shore. I own a couple of beaches by a very big lake. No one gets onto one of my beaches unless they have permission. I do not care who they are. This goes for birds, too.
Once management gets going on our house we are fixing up, then we can go to survey my property every day. She had to hire a roofer, and she is going to hire a tree remover. Just so they don’t mess with my porch. They do not want her around giving out orders, but she is a control freak. That is why she has to go to the lake every day. Otherwise the workers might beat her up. I have enough problems without her limping around.
One of my favorite sights at the beach is dead carp. If they smell bad enough, then you can roll in them. It is fun. All of your friends will know that you have been to the beach – and they have not. It is a snob thing.