Monday, August 07, 2006
Paparazzi pickle

When you are famous everyone wants a piece of you.
There I was, waiting for management to do whatever it is she does.
“OK, Artie, let’s go.” Then she remembers to write 10 checks or clean the bathroom. In this case she was picking up plastic fasteners that careless bipeds threw on the ground at the Ironman contest they had at one of my beaches this weekend.
Along comes a stringer photographer. He must have been following us. Miss You-Know-Who has her head in the clouds a lot of the time. She does not know if someone is following us. She worries about the birds. She worries about the cats. She worries about the tomato plant and whether the braconid wasps will lay their eggs on the tomato horn worms, or if she should take out the Queen Anne’s Lace, since the reason she lets it grow is so the broconid wasps will come there to live. If they are just ripping us off and living on our Queen Anne’s Lace and do not kill the horn worms, then I say evict them.
Back to my story. I was catching a few winks. Big deal. If you see this picture in the junky newspapers in the supermarket checkout line and the headline says, “Blogging dog is a fake!”, your inquiring mind can move on to something else, because you will already know the story behind the story.