Monday, October 30, 2006

That is what all the liberals say when they wish they had said what you just said. “Word.”
Word this. Here is the collar my gangsta friends are going to get for me because I did not rat them out when they were writing words on the jailhouse walls. I save my words for my blog and newsletter. Also, I am too short to write on a wall. It is a handicap I get a lot of mileage out of. You can see the name of my blog: The Long and Short of it. Short has been bery, bery good to me.
The first guy who said that about bery, bery said, “Baseball been bery, bery good to me.” I do not know if he is a Detroit Tigers fan, but they lost the World Series. If you read my blog, you will learn a lot. Any team that is named after cats should not even be allowed to play in the World Series. They have it all mixed up in baseball. The team that does not ever play in the World Series is named after baby bears.
Well, I did not receive my bling bling collar in the mail yet. Maybe they do not have enough stamps.
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I think I have seen some of those guys before. Maybe on Kojak reruns.
I thought a ho was for when you wanted to plant carrots.
I will save this link for when I see my friends again. I am a preppy mainly. But I would like a sapphire crusted dog house. Blue is my best color.
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I think I have seen some of those guys before. Maybe on Kojak reruns.
I thought a ho was for when you wanted to plant carrots.
I will save this link for when I see my friends again. I am a preppy mainly. But I would like a sapphire crusted dog house. Blue is my best color.
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