Sunday, November 19, 2006
Cheap Trick

Lately we have been finding money everywhere.
Mostly dimes. When boss lady was swearing and picking up junk from our beach, she found a 1986 quarter just sitting there on the sand. Well, we got a stick and started to dig in case robbers buried their loot and forgot it.
We find pennies all the time. We save them. Ten pennies make a dime. Etc. We conservatives understand finance. We also understand that it is better to use someone else’s money if you are making an investment. Only you get their profit, too. And you can use their money as collateral to get more money if you play your cards right.
In case you do not know what collateral is, you better go read someone else’s blog, because I do not have time to baby sit dopes.
We conservatives lay it on the line. There is a skinny biped called Ann Coulter. She is a conservative. She calls people names all the time. Her boyfriend buys a lot of her books so that it looks like they are bestsellers. Then she goes on TV and yells at liberals.
I could get used to that.
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I have been so busy I did not even think of reading one her books. You can tell from the cover what it is about. Godless Liberals. That sounds scary. Here is what I would say:
"Sin. Sin, Sin. You're all sinners. You're all doomed to perdition. You're all goin' to the painful, stinkin', scaldin', everlastin' tortures of a fiery hell, created by God for sinners, unless, unless, unless you repent."
(Someone named Elmer Gantry already said that, but he is dead and I do not think he would care.)
The boss is a hymn singer. Also, a church lady ran into our car. $800 smackeroos. (That means dollars.) I wanted to sue.
I think Ann's boyfriend duumped her. Maybe he did not have any more room for her books in his mansion. Maybe she poked him in the eye with her skinny elbow. I do not read People magazine. You should hurry up and make your move. I hope you have a very big limit on your VISA.
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"Sin. Sin, Sin. You're all sinners. You're all doomed to perdition. You're all goin' to the painful, stinkin', scaldin', everlastin' tortures of a fiery hell, created by God for sinners, unless, unless, unless you repent."
(Someone named Elmer Gantry already said that, but he is dead and I do not think he would care.)
The boss is a hymn singer. Also, a church lady ran into our car. $800 smackeroos. (That means dollars.) I wanted to sue.
I think Ann's boyfriend duumped her. Maybe he did not have any more room for her books in his mansion. Maybe she poked him in the eye with her skinny elbow. I do not read People magazine. You should hurry up and make your move. I hope you have a very big limit on your VISA.
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