Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The witches of Iowa

Browsing through management’s ‘My Pictures’ I find this ignoramus sign, ‘Dog Hitching Post’. It is from the woods in Iowa. They are so liberal in Iowa City I suppose they ride their dogs to work to save energy. You cannot do anything Republican there, either, so they all go into the woods to work at finding berries and mushrooms and seeds instead of doing deals and shoving old ladies under buses so they do not have to pay them a pension.
They sell the seeds and berries at the open air market. Also they weave grass into toboggans. You cannot use coal for snowman eyes or anything because coal is not clean. You have to be clean in Iowa only you cannot waste water on baths or showers. That is why liberals are so crazy. They are always making up stupid rules.
The only hitching I am interested in is marrying management off to the hotdog salesman and hitching my wagon to a star. I am already a star. That would be like a super nova.
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I did not think of getting hitched myself. I should have looked in my Thesaurus. Akamaru Supkis is too young, and other girl dogs are gold diggers. Besides, I am a power player. Family values are OK for you. I prefer a walk on the wild side.
I think you are correct. Iowa is where they have the guy-guy thing. I wonder if Barney Bush is gay. He lives in the White House. There are quite a few gay bipeds there. Or maybe that is a liberal rumor started by John Kerry.
If we land a big fish, you can come to the wedding and drink champagne and eat Cheetos and Godiva chocolates with me.
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I think you are correct. Iowa is where they have the guy-guy thing. I wonder if Barney Bush is gay. He lives in the White House. There are quite a few gay bipeds there. Or maybe that is a liberal rumor started by John Kerry.
If we land a big fish, you can come to the wedding and drink champagne and eat Cheetos and Godiva chocolates with me.
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