Friday, November 03, 2006

Word. Part 2.

Somebody named Mel Bochner painted this. It is in a show called Language at the Art Institute of Chicago. They do not allow dogs inside the Art Institute, so I had my assistant go there and take some pictures. They have pizza in the cafeteria. Excellent oatmeal cookies with raisins, too. Chocolate cake once in a while. It is a good place to eat lunch and look at art.

This is one of Mel's Thesaurus Paintings. He got the words from a real Thesaurus by a French person named Roget. John Kerry needs to read his Thesaurus before he makes any more dumb jokes.

My assistant wants a raise. Do not think that I am swayed by this conspiracy of artists and workers.

I am an artist, too, but I am $ucce$$ful.

John Kerry married a money bags. Before that he was living in his car. He does not fool me or you one bit.
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