Thursday, April 27, 2006
more posting on the fly

There is this movie called A River Runs Through It. I thought is was boring. It is about fly fishing. Whenever someone says the word 'fly', that is what I think of, unless there is a real fly in the room. Then it is Arthur to the rescue, because I do not like flies. Also there is this movie calles Psycho. It is less boring than A River Runs Through It. Our biped friend Jim looks like Anthony Perkins. I mention him because he is going to fix our computer. I did not buy a Mac yet, but when Tracey Rosengrave sends me my big book advance, then I will buy one, and management can have the MicroSloth computer all to herself. I promise. Well, back to Anthony Perkins. At the end of this movie Psycho he is totally crazy, and there is a fly, and someone says he wouldn't even hurt a fly, even though he has killed like 9 people or something. I don't know why we had to buy a PC in the first place. Steven Jobs is nicer than Bill Gates anyway. That is what we have heard, anyway. We knew someone that played tennis with Steven Jobs. That reminds me. The Queen is sending me tickets to Wimbledon. Maybe I can sell them on eBay and then buy a Mac.
Monday, April 24, 2006
stealth posting from the library
OK. Quick. Paula the librarian is away from her desk. She is smart, but I am smarter. No time to go over the details. Management took me for a ride in the car, and she had to take books back that were w-a-y overdue. She did not read them. I could have told her that she would not stay awake long enough to read even one page, but I am just a dog, you know. Nobody listens to me.
She went to the Chinese place where they will not let dogs in, but Judy the owner is nice, and she gives management a break from all the hot air she gets from her family. I do not know where my relatives are. That is fine with me. I lucked out. Do not tell you-know-who that I said that. She will start expecting me to act like I owe her something. She is really, really mad at her Borgia family values. Man. I would not want to be them.
Oh, yes. We have a virus or a corrupted file. Also, we had to have the plumber on the same day as our estate sale, and management poured water on the phone, and it does not work, because she stayed up for 39 hours in a row. Also, she is sick of everything except me and a few friends.
I had a chicken breast for breakfast. Ha. So there to the yucky mean people that do not appreciate us. Here comes Paula. Ciao, amigos - - That is Italian and Spanish.
She went to the Chinese place where they will not let dogs in, but Judy the owner is nice, and she gives management a break from all the hot air she gets from her family. I do not know where my relatives are. That is fine with me. I lucked out. Do not tell you-know-who that I said that. She will start expecting me to act like I owe her something. She is really, really mad at her Borgia family values. Man. I would not want to be them.
Oh, yes. We have a virus or a corrupted file. Also, we had to have the plumber on the same day as our estate sale, and management poured water on the phone, and it does not work, because she stayed up for 39 hours in a row. Also, she is sick of everything except me and a few friends.
I had a chicken breast for breakfast. Ha. So there to the yucky mean people that do not appreciate us. Here comes Paula. Ciao, amigos - - That is Italian and Spanish.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Cleaning our cache

You probably are wondering what a big blogger and super star personality is doing when they do not show up at the blog for a few weeks.
Well, wait until you hear this.
Management is divorcing her relatives. That is OK with me, except a couple of the dogs are fun, but I am so popular, a couple fewer pals will leave more time to answer my fan mail.
She is doing this sale all by herself. She is selling everything, even my kitchen water bowl, but we have a spare one. She already put my food dish in the dishwasher and then in a box. She will not tell anyone that I was using it, but if you ask me, she would get more money for it if she would spill the beans. That is called the provenance when you tell who ate out of the bowl. Doesn’t she watch the Antiques Roadshow?